Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Bastard Produktion - Roses and Beans

ROSES AND BEANS is a performance about the private, political and pop aspects of romantic love. With rosy cheeks, flirty bodies and occasional love songs sung to the rhythm of a strict march we bang our heads into the kitchen sink meanwhile we investigate the couple-relationship as an institution and the heterosexual relationship as the template of success. Can we possibly ever reproduce the partnership and at the same time make a revolution?

ROSES AND BEANS takes its starting point in the striking power of pop culture and sings with the ever-present choruses about love, relationships and sexuality. How do we compose our common love songs? Can we produce other stories, since we don’t want to live the ones we heard before? Tove & Dag is borrowing extracts of lifeand art from couples like Ulay & Marina, John & Yoko and Brad & Angelina. The choreographical material in the living room of Roses and Beans is an act of curiosity and precise equality measured by every step we take and every move we make.

