Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Afrika-Konferenz: Bergman in Uganda

Installation by Markus Öhrn

In Uganda there is a unique tradition of live "filmtranslators" for big blockbuster-films called "Vee-Jays" who work in videohalls, which is a form of simple cinema in the slum areas around the capital city Kampala. This videohalls are very popular among the people living in the slum and the "Vee-Jays" function is to interpret the film for the customers in the videohalls.
The Swedish Artist Markus Öhrn, who is doing successful works for several theatres, did show Ingmar Bergmans film “PERSONA” in Uganda in one of it´s typical cinemas there. So one famous Vee-Jay did present this special arthouse film live and without any prearrangement for the other visitors. Öhrn did film his show and translated his interpretation back to english, the result is a new version of Ingmar Bergmans famous film: Persona told to us from an Ugandan perspective “through” African eyes.

In cooperation with Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Swedish Arts Grants Committee and Kunstenfestivaldesarts.


Die Installation "Bergman in Uganda" ist Teil der Afrika-Konferenz, die im ganzen Haus stattfindet.
Afrika-Konferenz E-Reader (PDF-Download)

© Markus Öhrn

Gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes und mit Unterstützung der Goethe Institute in Ghana und Kamerun sowie der Schwedischen Botschaft. In Kooperation mit AfricAvenir e.V., Foundation For Contemporary Art Ghana und Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar


