Who could imagine the local Berlin music scene without the label Shitkatapult? Or Shitkatapult without Apparat? To celebrate both the tenth anniversary of the company with a long tradition of select electronic music and the release of “Walls” (scheduled for the end of May), second album by Apparat – one of Shitkatapult’s most innovative and successful artists – we have scheduled the long anticipated sequel to our event series “Bühne als Dancefloor” (“Stage as Dancefloor”) for 27 May. Even though we have been strictly advised not to reveal the numerous surprise guests, the line-up announced so far already reads like a who-is-who of the Berlin techno scene: An ambience-set by T.Raumschmiere at 21.00h will be followed by a film-video-performance by art project Synken. After this the dancefloor will open with an appearance by Apparat + Raz Ohara (Live), followed by Ellen Alien (DJ-Set), Chris de Luca vs. Phon.o (Live), Modeselektor (DJ-Set), Daniel Meteo (Dj-Set) and Pfadfinderei (Video). Due to the exceptional abundance (i.e. duration) of the programme punctual arrival is recommended.