Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz


A musical terror campaign based on the novel by DJ Stalingrad – in a version by Thomas Martin

DJ Stalingrad (nom de guerre of Pjotr Silaev, born in 1985, stateless, with an international arrest warrant issued by the Russian state) is the author and protagonist of this exceptional narrative of violence and radical beauty which combines chaos, terror, pop and punk like no other. EXODUS is a coming-of-age story and a declaration of self-determination; a rebellion against the surrogates of the capitalist oligarchy and their ruthless exploitation of people and ideals. Silaev’s characters are running up against this insanity up to the point of exhaustion. They try to find their place in life – but first and foremost they’re in search of their own identity. They are in a permanent state of attack, constantly on the run.

“There are no laws nor rules, all moral imperatives are obsolete as evil makes use of them to control you. Make one mistake, give away your identity – and you are doomed.”

After the collapse of the totalitarian state system the last generation of Soviet born children appear as revenants of ’the superfluous human being’ described earlier by authors like Turgenyev, Dostoyevsky and Chekhov. These revenants are forming counter-collectives, cliques and gangs. Civil war has found its continuation as road movie, gangs are scaled back to their essentials forming bands to play music in the spirit of Nietzsche, Marx, Motörhead and a postmortal Russian Disco of sorts; their messiah is GG Allin, and he preaches hardcore.

“We are sly, we are activists, we are outrageous. We are the gripes in the rectum of civilisation. We are the new Barbarians: Europe’s future, the natural hope of the world.”

While Frank Castorf’s production of the BROTHERS KARAMASOV was interleaved with excerpts from EXODUS, Sebastian Klink will stage the complete DJ: four clowns and protagonists of terror, four attackers on the zeitgeist who will rock the current situation. Sebastian Klink stages a terrifyingly relevant topic with Alexander Scheer as the leading man, and musical support by a combo called The New World Order formed for the occasion.

Tickets 20,- EUR, concessions 12,- EUR.

Duration: 2h 15min


With: Alexander Scheer, Rouven Stöhr, Patrick Güldenberg, Margarita Breitkreiz and Axel Wandtke

Music: NOVYI MIROVOI PORJADOK formerly known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER, Kriton Klingler, Conner Rapp, Mathias Brendel

Director: Sebastian Klink
Room: Bert Neumann
Stage and Costumes: Gregor Sturm
Costumes: Gregor Sturm
Light Design: Hans-Hermann Schulze
Videoconception: Konstantin Hapke, Nicolas Keil
Camera: Simon Baumann
Musical direction: Kriton Klingler
Sound: Christopher von Nathusius

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Teaser: www.stagebrothers.com
