Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Focus on China

Portray reality and while you’re at it, stick a finger in the wound: Contemporary Chinese film devotes itself to problems of family, society and hard work. Building on a long tradition, Chinese animated short film displays a new range of techniques, styles and subjects that stand clearly apart from Manga or television aesthetic. Occasioned by the festival focus on China, this event presents discussion of themes, production, and funding, as well as dispersion and globalization of the Chinese short film.

Be prepared to enjoy a moderated discussion with Chinese filmmakers. Selected films from a few participants will be screened in clips or in full length. Presented in cooperation with China Communications and the Society for German-Chinese Exchange.

Free entry / Due to limited capacity please register via interforum@interfilm.de. All events will be held in English.


interfilm 2016
