Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Kjersti Skomsvold - Je schneller ich gehe, desto kleiner bin ich

Delving back into life at 100 years of age! Mathea Martinsen is almost 100 years old, lives on the outskirts of Oslo and has just lost her loving husband. For whom is she supposed to knit her ear warmers now the eccentric statistician has died? Who can she philosophise over life with? Mathea‘s attempts to find her way in life again are amusing and move one to tears. »I wish I could set aside what remains of my life, until I know how to go on with it. But that wouldn‘t work, as I‘d have to freeze myself and we only have this small freezer compartment above the fridge...«

Mathea Martinsen wants to use her remaining time in life well – but how? She already unsuccessful took part in a tombola at the senior citizens‘ centre when her own jacket was raffled off. And is a time capsule buried in her garden containing her wedding dress and self-knitted ear warmers the right way for her memory to be preserved for posterity? The novels tell a story, with humour and great tenderness, of an old lady looking for answers to the crucial questions in life.

»A staggering debut!« Aftenposten

