Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz


by Herbert Fritsch

Quit at the finest hour, goes a popular saying, and it may indeed prove true. Following “der die mann” and “Apocalypse”, Herbert Fritsch will present his latest production in collaboration with the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Fritsch, acclaimed actor, director and set designer, has been a regular fixture under Frank Castorf's artistic direction from early on. Now he will bow to the Volksbühne for the last time showing his new production “Botch-Up” before striking out on new paths in his artistic career. The collapse of the conventional German botch job, Fritsch insists, could finally knock the economical bottom out of a mentality he's always been actively opposing. This will make way for a fresh botch-up to come alive. Fritsch promises to create a brand-new German botch-up in both artistic and acting terms. The new botch job requires a new sense of liberty and freedom. Freedom from the conventional practices of the industry. Freedom from being influenced by commercial partners. Freedom from the dictates of interest groups. As to the production of a new German botch-up, Fritsch clearly has concrete mental, aesthetic, formal and economic concepts in mind. He stated: The old botch-up is dead. I firmly believe in the new one.

Duration: 1h 30min


With: Florian Anderer, Jan Bluthardt, Werner Eng, Ingo Günther, Wolfram Koch, Annika Meier, Ruth Rosenfeld, Carol Schuler, Varia Sjöström, Stefan Staudinger, Komi Mizrajim Togbonou, Axel Wandtke and Hubert Wild

Director: Herbert Fritsch
Costumes: Victoria Behr
Light Design: Torsten König
Music: Ingo Günther
Sound: Jörg Wilkendorf
Dramaturgy: Sabrina Zwach

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