Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Tod eines Praktikanten

DEATH OF AN APPRENTICE - Written and directed by René Pollesch

“…those who refer to the gestures of critics do not actually know what they are doing, for example, when they speak ‘for’ others. Maybe the others do not need someone else to speak for them. Above all, it is always supposed that they do not even have a language of their own. Then representation comes into play. But they do have a language. Only it is not white, heterosexual, masculine and middle class, and it is always rejected as inadequate. This reminds me of what Donna Haraway says: apparently only Greenpeace and European and American scientists can speak about the rainforest, but not the people who live in the rainforest. A theatre play that deals with the so called underclass, and is considered a theatre of representation, basically portrays the differences with the middle class sitting in the auditorium and playing roles on stage.”


With: Inga Busch, Christine Groß and Nina Kronjäger

Director: René Pollesch
Stage Designer: Bert Neumann
Video: Ute Schall
Dramaturgy: Aenne Quiñones

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