Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

UN|COMMONS: Workshops

Join more than 100 activists, media folks as well as researchers from 20 countries and explore the digital commons of the post-Snowden world. We offer five parallel workshop tracks for collaboration on crossmedia stories, position papers or tools: Big Data In Our Hands?, Otaku Meets Whistleblower, Snowden Files For All?, Who Reads Open Secrets? and Are We Ready For Anonymity?

Guests include representatives from Asociația pentru Tehnologie și Internet, Calafou, Centre for Investigative Journalism, Commons Network, Cosplaid, European Institute for Journalism and Communication Research, Coral Project, CryptoParty, Expresso, hostwriter, Knight-Mozilla OpenNews, Kritische Bibliothek, labomedia, London School of Economics, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Mobile Media Lab, New York Times, Onderzoeksredactie, Otaku Festival, Portable Snowden Surveillance Archive, A Public Library, Sozialhelden, reboot.fm, The Sponge, Tactical Tech, Takemura Juku, Tor Project, transmediale, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, XNET.

Workshops on October 22+23, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. and on October 24, 10–12 a.m.

The registration fee is 50 Euro, including catering. Registration is required by October 4 under the following email: info(at)berlinergazette.de

Attention: Registration for the workshop BID DATA IN OUR HANDS? is no longer possible.


Programme (EN)
